The Blues Trail Revisited

The Blues Trail Revisited

In 1971, Ted Reed drove through the South to find some of the last living blues legends and to discover the roots of American music. Fifty years later, Reed returned to experience the evolution of American music, resulting in this memoir that encompasses the upheavals of Civil Rights and the power of memory.

"A story of blues friends, fans and follow-through, Ted Reed's remarkable BLUES TRAIL REVISITED spans 50 years — tying together past Southern blues traditions with those of the present-day and perhaps even the future."
- Roger Stolle, Cat Head Promotions

"The memories that this film brought back were outstanding and made me want to go back and discover some of the places that I missed . . . This movie will also make anyone that is not into the Blues or Mississippi change their mind."
- Paul Benjamin, North Atlantic Blues Festival

The Blues Trail Revisited